
Penne pomodorini e pesto
Pesto and cherry tomatoes penne

Ingredients for 4 hungry people  


  1. Put on the stove 4L of water;
  2. Cut the dried tomatoes in strips, the fresh ones in quarters;
  3. When the water's boiling add the kosher salt;
  4. Heat up the oil and throw in the tomatoes (dried ones as well) after \begin{figure}\centering\begin{tikzpicture}
\par\draw [line width=0.3mm] (0,1) r...
...m, looseness=1, bend right=60] (9.7,1.3);
\end{figure} minutes, where \begin{figure}\centering\begin{tikzpicture}
hatch distance/.store in...
...e width=0.5mm] (5.8, -0.75) -- (5.68, 0);
\end{figure} is the cooking time of the pasta;
  5. Turn the tomatoes often and after 5 minutes add the pesto;
  6. Drain the pasta and cook for a minute in the sauce, serve warm.

Aron Wussler