
Risotto alle ortiche ed Eierschwammerl
Chanterelle and nettle risotto

Ingredients for 4 hungry people  


  1. Cut the onions in very fine dices;
  2. In a small pan with 30g butter, stir fry the onions on low heat until browned, adding 50g of broth slowly as it proceeds;
  3. Clean the mushrooms (see tip below);
  4. Clean the nettle by stripping all the leaves off the stems and washing them;
  5. Heat up 8g of olive oil, roast the nettle, then add 50g of water, and let it cook for 10 minutes;
  6. Blend the cooked nettle;
  7. Warm up the rest of the broth;
  8. Heat up 8g of olive oil with half of the roasted onions;
  9. Add the rice, let it dry for a few seconds, then add the wine;
  10. Add the blended nette and some broth and let cook 20 minutes, while stirring;
  11. In the meanwhile, add 8g of olive oil in a pan, half of the roasted onions, and stir fry the mushrooms;
  12. They will leak some liquid, stir fry on high heat until it's evaporated;
  13. Finish with 20g butter, pepper, and salt.

Tip: It is important not to wash the chanterelle mushrooms, but to clean them dry with a knife and a brush.

Aron Wussler