- Put on the stove 4L of water;
- Cut the onions and chili pepper finely together;
- Cut the bacon in little strips, circa 10
2 mm;
- Add half of the olive oil in a wok;
- Brown the bacon, then set it aside leaving the oil;
- Add the rest of the oil in to the wok, mixed with the spicy oil;
- When the oil mix is warm, put onions and chili pepper;
- Add the tomato sauce;
- When the water's boiling add the kosher salt, and throw the pasta in;
- A minute before the pasta is ready, drain it and add it to the sauce,
adding the bacon as well.
Tip: it's better to undercook pasta by 1-2 minutes and let it finish cooking with the sauce, it will take more or less double the
amount it would have taken in the water, e.g. if you drain it 2 mins early it will need to cook 4 minutes in the sauce.
Aron Wussler