
Penne tonno e melanzane
Tuna and aubergine penne

Ingredients for 4 hungry people  


  1. Put on the stove 2L of water;
  2. Cut the onions and chili pepper finely together;
  3. Cut the aubergine in dices, circa 1cm3, then put them in salt water;
  4. Add the olive oil in to a pan, mixed with the residual oil from the tuna;
  5. When the oil mix is warm, put onions and chili pepper, before they get brown add the wine. If you don't want to open a new wine, while acknowledging you're doing something wrong, you can use a bit of water from the pasta pot;
  6. Add the diced aubergines, squeezing the water out of them;
  7. When the water's boiling add the kosher salt;
  8. Wait, you'll need 15 to 20 minutes for the aubergine to get softer;
  9. Then add the cut tomatoes or the sauce. If the tomatoes are not really tasty you can do half sauce half tomatoes;
    1. Throw the pasta in after \begin{figure}\centering\begin{tikzpicture}
hatch distance/.store in...
....8mm] (7,0) -- (8,0) -- (8,1) -- (7.5,1);
\end{figure} minutes, where \begin{figure}\centering\begin{tikzpicture}
hatch distance/.store in...
...e width=0.5mm] (5.8, -0.75) -- (5.68, 0);
\end{figure} is the number of minutes needed to cook it;
    2. Let it cook until the aubergine gets really soft (approximately 15 minutes);
  10. Add the tuna, drain the pasta, add the pasta, correct the salt.
Tip: it's better to undercook pasta by 1-2 minutes and let it finish cooking with the sauce, it will take slightly longer than in water, e.g. if you drain it 2 mins early it will need to cook 3 minutes in the sauce.
Aron Wussler