
Pizza in teglia
Pizza in a tray

Be careful: for this recipe around 18-24 hours planning ahead are needed.

This is the base recipe for my thick pizza, that can be achieved fairly decently with a normal household baking oven. Different results can be achieved with the same recipe, depending on the thickness of the dough. Refer to table [*] to choose the appropriate baking tray, or amount of ingredients.

Table: Thickess of pizza in relation to dough density
Pizza type Desired thickness Dough density
Deep dish 1-1.2 cm 0.9 g/cm2
Tray 0.8-0.9 cm 0.7 g/cm2
Pinsa 0.5-0.6 cm 0.5 g/cm2

Ingredients for 2 hungry people  


  1. Mix 150g of flour, the yeast, and 120ml of water until obtaining a creamy paste;
  2. Let it rest in a tupperware in the fridge for 8-16 hours;
  3. Dissolve 7g of salt into the remaining 90ml of water;
  4. Add the salt solution, 150g of flour and 8g of olive oil to the fermented mix, then mix for 2 minutes;
  5. Distribute evenly 10 mg/cm2 of olive oil into each baking tray;
  6. Take a second bowl, and add 10g of flour, then for each baking tray roll a ball of dough into the dry flour to ensure the outside is not sticky;
  7. Put the dough in the baking dish, and pushing with your fingers extend it to the size of the dish (be careful not to break it);
  8. Let it rest for 3 hours in the turned off oven;
  9. Remove the pizza dough and preheat the oven at 220°C with the stone leaving a 10-15 cm gap from the top of the oven;
  10. Mix the tomato sauce, 5g of olive oil, 7g of salt, and the oregano in a bowl;
  11. Cut the mozzarella and remove the excess water;
  12. Put the sauce on the top of the dough;
  13. Once warm let the stone get extremely hot leaving it there for an additional 10 minutes;
  14. Cook the pizza in the oven for 8 minutes;
  15. Add the mozzarella on top of the warm pizza and serve.

Tip: be creative with the toppings, just be careful with the sweet ones, for instance pineapple is strictly forbidden! Canned tuna, Parma ham, Parmesan, rucola, artichokes and similar vegetables should be added after cooking.
Aron Wussler