

Be careful: for this recipe around 5 hours planning ahead are needed.

Ingredients for 4 hungry people  


  1. Mix the flour and eggs, make a ball and let it rest for half an hour in the fridge;
  2. In the meanwhile melt the butter in a pot and sift the flour, mixing with a whisk;
  3. Keep stirring and slowly add all the milk;
  4. Let it boil for 2 minutes and then let cool down while stirring once in a while, once cold the béchamel sauce will be ready;
  5. Using the pasta machine roll the dough to the thinnest setting, it should be as thick as a t-shirt at the very end.
  6. Grate the parmesan;
  7. Preheat the oven at 180 °C, ventilated;
  8. On the bottom of the baking pan put a dipper of béchamel sauce;
  9. Now start the layering process, there should be enough ingredients to make 6 layers:
    1. Lay down a pasta layer;
    2. Put some béchamelle sauce;
    3. Add ragù;
  10. On the very last layer add parmesan on top to make a crust;
  11. Put the lasagne in the oven for 10 minutes with a aluminium foil on top;
  12. Remove the foil and put in the oven for another 20 minutes;
  13. Serve warm, 3-5 minutes after getting them out of the oven.

Tip: if you don't have a pasta machine a rolling pin can be used as well, on the other hand it will take considerably more time and effort.

Tip: this recipe can also made with premade pasta sheets, but it's better to make 4 instead of 6 layers, because they tend to be thicker.

Tip: premade ragù can be used as well, just try to not to call it bolognese sauce.

Tip: the dough is the same as tagliatelle, so it might be worth to do some more and dry them.
Aron Wussler