

Be careful: for this recipe around 12 hours planning ahead are needed.
Ingredients for 6 hungry people  


  1. Separate the egg whites from the yolks, then beat the whites until stiff (see tip below) and set them aside;
  2. Boil the water with the sugar, until obtaining a dense sirup;
  3. While mixing the yolks add the sirup slowly, and mix until the colour turns brighter and the texture like a foamy cream;
  4. Lay the cookies in a baking dish, preferably one layer 2 cm thick, i.e. stack them on the longer side of the two short ones;
  5. Mix coffee and marsala, then pour the mixture evenly on the biscuits;
  6. Add the mascarpone to the cream, then gently the eggwhites, paying attention not to pour the liquid on the very bottom;
  7. Pour the mixture on top of the cookies and let it rest overnight in the fridge;
  8. When serving add cocoa on top with a small colander.

Be careful: it is important that egg whites are really stiff and yolks creamy, thus requiring a mixer. You have to mix them even up to 8 minutes, to make the cream as dense and fluffy as possible.
Aron Wussler